Tuesday, June 29, 2021

With A Twist

“How are you?” I asked you yesterday.

You said, “I’m fine”.
I knew you were lying.
A woman like you can’t be ‘just fine’.

But since you insisted, my heart accepted it… with a twist:

If you’re fine, it’s the same ‘fine’ used to describe…

The skill of a veteran jazz pianist,

The beauty of historical architecture,
The finesse of seasoned chef,
The taste of well-aged wine.

“How are you now?” I asked you yesternight.

You said, “I’m good”. 

I knew you were lying. 

To describe a woman like you, ‘good’ is not good enough.

But since you insisted, my heart accepted it…again with a twist:

If you’re good, it’s the same ‘good’ we all feel…

When your crush compliments you,

When a baby smiles at you in a public place,

When your parents smile because of you,

When a job meeting gets cancelled,

When a… the list went on and the night had passed. It was morning again...

Today I didn’t ask you how you were
I just said “I Love You”

Because “There is no point”, said my mind
“There is no point of me reading between the lines
With a foolish besotted heart that accepts lies”.

My heart gave a mindful reply,
“Because that’s what a heart does. It doesn’t read between the lines, it reads between paragraphs. It knows sometimes all you need is time. You give them a day to rediscover why they deserve to be loved. The next day is your time to add more reasons to that list. The reasons you discovered, when you accepted the lies…with a twist.” 

--- Rakshit Nair