Thursday, January 26, 2017

A Phonecall in the Night

Her voice uplifted my soul tonight,
My soul uplifted my cheeks.
It sings to me a lullaby

As tonight it can rest in peace.

I lie here with a subtle smile,
Eyelids shut my twinkling eyes.
They will twinkle tonight.
Because today is the night the clouds subside...
Not due to a storm but a gentle breeze...

My soul recites in its lullaby:
"How can her mere words suffice
To quieten your demons every time?"
It answers itself with a question again:

"Who quietens the demons better than an angel?"

It's not mere words, it's her musical voice.
Strings pulled right can quieten crowds.

It was a phonecall in the night.
But with that voice, it was not
Just a phonecall in the night...

Colours were added to the night.
Jigsaw found its lost piece.
Met my self after a long time.
She made me happier than pizza with extra cheese.

And if I come to die tonight
Tombstone will say, "Resting In Peace".

---Rakshit Nair

Friday, January 6, 2017


Her hair talked to my eyes
Her fragrance lured my nose
Her skin spoke to my skin
In a language which only they know

Her voice sang a song
My ears loved to listen
They didn't listen to the words
Just the music they carried within

Then, my eyes talked to her eyes
Told tales spanning pages
Few pure truths few cheeky lies
Amongst all, that conversation lasted the longest time
Eyeronic since they met for just a second, coz I'm shy

Amidst all talks my lips stayed together
For they knew we should never be together
The former always wins when it's head vs. heart
I guess that's why they call it a 'crush'

 ---Rakshit Nair